Thursday, February 16, 2012

Frugal February Day 16

On the way to school today, I noticed that my left foot felt wet which was weird because I was wearing my rain boots.  Turns out that my rain boots had sprung a leak (or rather a hole on the top).  Later in the day, I developed a large hole in my right boots.  Not a big deal, but I went barefoot most of the day.  In fact, I ran a barefoot mile when I got home tonight.

Picked up some super high tech teaching stuff from Dr. Calhoun today.  Going to try to learn to use it before I start teaching in the summer.  Did some cool research stuff.  Read a little bit.  Went to Golden Key's Wine & Cheese social.  Brought home dessert.  Went for a run (in shoes after the barefoot mile).  Didn't spend any money.

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