Sunday, April 20, 2008

Collegiate Nationals Followup

To the best of my recollection, USAT's Collegiate Nationals race this weekend was the first national level competition that I've been a part of. I was able to meet my goal (see previous post) and I finished in 2:28:13. The breakdown of times was:
Swim: 30:19 (didn't beat my goal of 30 minutes, but I might have if I didn't have to deal with the other people beating me up and getting in my way)
T1: 2:55 (my champion chip came out from under my wet suit in the swim and I was waiting for someone to rip it off my ankle...anyway, it made it hard to get that leg of my wet suit over the chip!!)
Bike: 1:10:28
T2: 1:56
Run: 42:38

I know the transition times look slow, but the overall winner's times were:
T1: 1:11
T2: 0:45

The hills were good for me...There was nothing harder than the Hartsfield/High ride. I passed a bunch of people on the hills. I didn't get to see many team mates since we started in so many different waves.

The average time for graduate students was 2:32:07, so I guess I was just a little better than average. I think that if I hadn't broken my wrists, I could have gone about 10 minutes faster since I wouldn't have lost all of my base. It would also have been nice to start before the 9th out of 10 waves. I guess now I have an Olympic Distance time to submit for my next seeding and I won't get put at the back of the pack.

Next triathlon that I think I'm doing is Emerald Coast on May 31. Let me know if you want to go.

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